Sleep is the most needed for human function, it comes naturally for most but others find it the most challenging aspect of their day-to-day life. Not getting a proper sleep can have serious effects on physical and mental health. Some aspects of not getting a good enough sleep can range from fatigue, weakness, and inability to focus. These effects can affect more than you know, such as work productivity, mood, relationships, and safety while driving or while operating machinery. Not only could lack of sleep harm oneself, but it can affect those around them.
Signs You Aren’t Getting Adequate Sleep
Some signs you aren’t getting enough sleep might seem trivial to most, but should be taken more seriously. Some symptoms one may experience when not getting enough sleep are:1
- Sunken eyes
- Weight gain
- Cravings
- Above average caffeine intake
- Mood changes
- Lack of focus
- Feeling unwell throughout the day
These symptoms have been persistent with people who have issues with sleep. Note that these symptoms may not be caused by the lack of sleep and some may have underlying health issues which should be talked about with your healthcare provider.
Tips For Better Sleep: Easy, Yet Impactful!
Professional healthcare providers have found common mistakes many people are making, plus solutions to their problems.2 Easy adjustments they recommend are the following:
- Increase or start exercising throughout the day.
- Start a sleep schedule- and stick to it!
- Avoid caffeine close to bedtime, plus any foods that give you adverse reactions.
- Get comfortable, try to lessen the amount of distractions when trying to fall asleep. That could be light, screens, noise, sleeping positions, and more.
- Avoid naps, no matter how tired you are throughout the day and remember that napping will have serious consequences when trying to sleep at night.
Some of these tips may not apply to all, but they are a good start if you want to improve your sleeping habits on your own. If tried and failed, it might be time to consider visiting your doctor to go over other possible causes and solutions.
Health Conditions Can Cause Poor Sleep
There are many health conditions that can cause sleep disturbances, but some are more directly related than others. The two most common conditions that pair with lack of sleep are anxiety disorders and breathing problems. Many people who have anxiety disorders find it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night, they may also experience restlessness or specifically restless leg syndrome. Breathing problems can include sleep apnea, asthma, or allergies.3 Visiting your healthcare provider can help treat these issues when diagnosed.
Learn More About Tips and Tricks For Correcting Your Sleep
To learn more about the different types of sleep problems, you can explore pages such as the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the National Sleep Foundation. Sites like the ones mentioned can contain guides to achieving your sleep goals and offer more insights into your specific symptoms. If problems are still persistent, it might be time to contact your health provider for advice. Remember that sleep is key to being able to function properly in every aspect.